You're One Step AWAY...

What is up guys, and welcome to our training & case study today

Excuse me for seeming rushed, but I want to make sure you know you are exactly in the right place. 

If you’re a coach, consultant, personal brand or expert, you are about to see over the shoulder how I ditched the old school webinar, low ticket $997 and $497 offer...

...and how I did over $2 million dollars organically before ever launching ads, with a very simple 30 second video recorded with my phone and uploaded to instagram stories

And craziest part is that I scaled that quickly to a 7 figure run rate in just 90 days by ditching my low ticket offer, and webinar, and turning it into a very simple high ticket and high converting offer.

You can see my stripe account right here, nearly $1.2 million dollars:
Here is another stripe account for another business we have with $100k in just 90 days:
Here is another payment processor for another business we have with the daily cash collected in the last 24hrs, the last week and the last month:
And this is the reason why you have probably seen this...

Instagram has become the #1 social media platform in the world and the #1 tool that has helped businesses go online and make money, even during the pandemic:
Now what does this tell you?

As Bill Gates says, “if your business isn't on the internet, your business will be out of business”

And today in this short 20 min training

You are going to see how to do this for your new or existing business/personal brand
And how everyday business owners like all these you see right here, are taking advantage of this new and truly explosive businesses opportunity with only their phone

And how you can get these results for yourself, but most importantly, how me and my team can help you get these results for you 

Even if you have never had any type for high ticket marketing, sales, technical experience or a big following.

And how in the next 60-90 days, you can be on track to be one of our biggest client success stories.
You can see right here how we helped one of our clients John, launch his new Ecommerce consulting agency to over $21,000 collected in profit in just 7 days, organically and with less than 400 followers...

...and this was in the middle of the pandemic!
But before we get into all the goodies, I want to tell you what this training is NOT. 

This isn't another sales pitch. You literally CAN'T buy anything on this training, even if you want to, it is not possible.

This is literally just to show you what Instagram is capable of and how it has changed my life, and literally hundreds of our clients'

This is also NOT going to be some 2 hour long presentation where I tell you my life story and where the presenter brags about their achievements for an hour.

I'm just going to get straight to the point and deliver the content you came for, and why Instagram is the best opportunity that's ever existed for real entrepreneurs to build and scale an online business with their personal brand. 
I am going to show you my exact process to create a very simple 30 second videos that will create high ticket deals.

The exact script I'm using...

The exact process and system I'm running...

The funnel I'm using...

And my exact strategies I'm using to scale even further.

Everything that is responsible for all these sales

And I'm going to do it in just 20 min 

This is a very short presentation.
And if you make it until the end of this presentation, I'm going to deliver a full $1,000 course for you to watch on your own time. 

This is a full course that walks through my entire instagram growth strategy...

...and shows you exactly how in just 7 days I set up everything that has allowed us to grow to millions of followers across multiple pages, accounts and niches for myself and our clients:
And to make this even more fun, we are going to be giving away one of these that you see in the slide below...

...but to have a chance of winning this and the $1,000 course, you have to read through this entire presentation.

We will send you an email if you win, to the email you used to register today. But only if the code in this page detects that you've read it in its entirety!

Because let's face it... 

If you can't go through a short 20 minute presentation that has changed hundreds of lives and has the real potential to change yours, you probably are never going to build a successful online business. 
And finally this ONLY applies to you if you are a real business owner, expert, coach, personal trainer, service provider, entrepreneur and have a personal brand or you are an agency owner.
Here are some of our clients that I just got done working with on this...

Hancel was stuck not getting clients for his relationship coaching business because he had a small following, and he thought he needed a big audience in order to do that.

Now here he is after he started working with me and did $11,000 in less than 24hrs with just 1 single instagram story video that took him literally 15 seconds to make:
Here is Jess. She was struggling to get new clients as a service provider and business coach. And she had never used Instagram in this way.

And her first time applying what you are about to learn in this page, in 45 days she made over $54,000 in profit and with a very small following as well:
Here is another one of our clients, Rafel.

He had less than 1,000 followers when we started working together, and he had never used Instagram, nor sold high ticket before, even though he was already an experienced business owner. 

And he was able to come in, grow his following and make $133k in sales in just 60 days!!! 60 simple short days!!! 

This isn't a 2 year process. This is just 60 days.

And these are just some of our success stories from the hundreds of client success stories that we have 
Now quick but big WARNING, all of these success stories are from REAL BUSINESS OWNERS. 

They already had a business and/or a personal brand. This type of person is who this training is for.

If you are a beginner and you have never built a business or had a business, this really won't work for you. 

This is for professional business owners who have a personal brand only. 

Now I'm not suggesting you are going to get these exact results because these results are not typical.

But again, that's why I'm a Instagram sales & marketing veteran, and I have years of experience in the space
And now I know what you're probably thinking,is Josue and his team some sort of scam?

How do you know who has your best intentions and who wants to waste your time and money?

So I'm just going to address this straight up right now and show you why this is the farthest thing from a scam.

What I have learned after having a successful online business for years, is that scammers, and people who have poor quality programs, generally:

-> Have little to no social media presence
-> Have never worked with renowned brands
-> Like to hide in the shadows

So I'm gonna breakdown all the proof why I have your best interest at heart, and my proven track record.
I have become the go-to guy for a lot of huge personal brands and companies who have been clients of mine like Russell Brunson, Clickfunnels, Gary vee, Grant Cardone, Alex Becker, Kevin David, Ladyboss, and countless other 7, 8 and 9 figure brands and entrepreneurs:
We have also helped and have over 10k entrepreneurs and business owners in our FB groups:
Over 50k people on just one of our Instagram accounts...

We own over 20 million followers on Instagram across multiple pages, including the biggest art page on Instagram called @DailyArt with over 9 million followers...
We have been able to get hundreds of thousands of views on YT...

I am verified on FB and Instagram...

Have been featured multiple times on, Huff post, Forbes...

Have won multiple 7-figure awards....

And have spoken on stages multiple times in front of hundreds of people.
On top of this we have hundreds of testimonials, reviews and success stories that are public, and you can go check them out right now at

And you can see that we have a ridiculous track record that no one in the industry has.
Now the most important part is that I am nobody special.

I am just a regular guy, born and raised in a poor third world country (Dominican Republic), english is not even my first language

And I desperately wanted to live life on my own terms without a 9-5 as an engineer that I hated

And I was lucky enough to stumble upon Instagram and figure out how to build a high profit online business with it.

So if we were scamming people we would NOT have these insane, almost movie like, results that we have for ourselves and our clients.
The cool part is that we have done this in multiple niches, and even languages. 

We have done this for real estate, lawyers, doctors, dentists, consultants, coaches, personal trainers, personal brands, ecommerce, info product creators, SAAS or software, agency owners, professional services and other high ticket products and services.

So I know that it can also help your business as well.

This is why, what I have for you here today is such a once in a lifetime opportunity, because right now Instagram in the way I'm about to show you, is such a blue ocean right now.

That means if you are able to get your business on Instagram, you are able to enjoy a huge chunk of the pie that you aren't really going to be able to enjoy anywhere else while making your brand famous.
Look at what this has done for so many personal brands, ecommerce brands and influencers like Kylie Jenner, who grew her company valuation into the billions of dollars.

There are even lesser known brands like Snow, or FitTea that have generated tens upon tens of millions of dollars just selling teeth whitening and supplements.

Long story short, this is where you want to be in, and I want to share the absolute key with you right now.
So let's just get started...

There are 4 pillars to running a very successful high ticket online business and personal brand with Instagram. 

If you are able to grab these concepts, you are going to do extremely well.

And the reason why most people don't do well on Instagram, is because they don't understand these KEY things because they try to bring strategies over from other platforms, and they don't convert well on Instagram.
So the first most important thing is your Offer with your Fishing Angles...

They both need to be on point.

They have to grab people and they have to be formulated in a very specific way.
Look at the video in the slide below. 

This is literally just a 30 second video ad filmed with my phone selfie style, but I'm using a very specific script that I have used for years over and over and over again...

...and this is one of my best performing posts or fishing angle.

This short simple video generated tens of thousands of dollars in sales.
A few keys to this fishing angle is in the first 5 seconds of the video you need to call out a problem that your target market has.

Don't try to get everyone’s attention, just call out your target market.

Remember that the riches are in the niches.

More importantly, you need to get your call to action in the next 20-30 seconds of the video.

Don't try to talk for a long time.

Don't try and make a long form video.

Your key is to get people from watching that short 30 second video with your fishing angle, to bite and slide in the DMs saying they are interested in your offer.

That's the format I have used for my offer and fishing angles over and over and over again has worked like crazy.

And our clients have implemented this same thing.
For example, Dave right here, went from $0 struggling to get leads and clients, to $19k in profit in just 30 days.

Last month he just crossed $40k, in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic after being laid off as a bartender.

And he did it simply by copying what I am showing you right now on this video.
Another one of our clients is Ladyboss.

We helped them build their entire instagram growth and monetization strategy, and after implementing these short 30 second videos...

...we were able to add $100k/month to her business organically from Instagram alone + grow her following by 50k people in just 90 days

So again, this doesn't just apply to me, but to hundreds of our clients who have had success with our system.
Now, one of the top questions that I get asked every single day is

“Josue, what is the key to being able to build a successful online business with Instagram in one sentence?”

And this is it...

If you build the right offer with the right fishing angle, you can do basically everything else wrong and still build a successful online business with Instagram.

That is how powerful Instagram is and why this is an incredible opportunity.

Now the problem is that creating the right offer with the right fishing angle isn't simple. It's hard, especially if you have never done it before.

And if you haven't done it before, it is going to feel overwhelming, and you are going to second guess yourself and probably even quit.
But what if a team of successful proven rockstar would actually create your home run offer for you

And in doing so would give that offer, the absolutely best possible chance of being successful.

But not only that, what if that same team would also create and give you the marketing and sales systems for you to use on Instagram with all the influencers and network that will promote you?

And they would also create a world class fully optimized funnel for that offer to guarantee that you actually get the maximum number of leads & clients on Instagram who want to buy your high ticket product or service.

Now, if those 3 things sound good to you, i'm going to show you exactly how you could be the next partner that our team will chose to create a home run offer, with the exact marketing and sales process, and with a done for you high ticket fully optimized funnel to be used to sell your products and services on Instagram.
Now onto number 2,

The big difference between Instagram and other platforms is that on Instagram you are literally “given” almost X5-10 times more exposure to more people than anywhere else.

Now think about this
Over 79% of people search Instagram before buying a product or service and 89% of marketers & business owners said that Instagram is their most important social media channel.

That means that 8 out of every 10 people that buy things online are using Instagram FIRST to make a purchase decision.

People on Instagram are already predisposed to buy in the first place, and this makes your work a heck of a lot easier to make a high ticket sale

Instagram has more than 1 BILLION daily active users and this allows us to scale so much further and faster that anywhere else!
After all, selling an offer for $3k, which is the minimum we have our clients to start at, you only need 10 clients in a month to make $30k in a single month.

That is why when you do this you don't even need a big following to be able to crush it on Instagram.

In order for us to multiply the potential sales, we follow what I have called conversational marketing.

This is a very specific DM script we use after you hook your audience with the 30 second fishing angle, then you simply follow our DM script, and it allows you to sell them your high ticket offer by simply typing messages on your phone.

Just this small change has been responsible for instead of closing 1 sale a day, to closing 6 a day.

And to put this point home...
You can see Jonathan for example. He just applied this small tweak to his business, and was able to go and scale his business with Instagram to over $1.2million dollars in the first quarter of this year alone.

Jess right here was able to apply the exact same tactics, and her business went from 0 to over 6-figs in profit in just 4 months.

So in short, you want to be selling through DMs by using our script since most businesses don't know how to do this. That is where your extra edge will come from.
Now, There is something very important to understand. 

There are so many myths about Instagram and building an online business, and I want to set a few of them straight.

Is Instagram and building an online business saturated?

Absolutely NOT!

With the pandemic and the corona pushing more and more people online, Instagram and online businesses are actually growing faster than ever before.

That is why I laugh when people say “You know Josue, I heard from my best friends neighbors sisters second aunt, that building an online business with Instagram is saturated”.

But this couldn't be further away from the truth because if it was the case we wouldn't have helped hundreds of clients completely explode their online businesses with instagram.

Do you have to live in the USA to build a successful online business?

Not at all!

Some of our most successful clients are from Canada, UK, Australia, and even countries in other languages, like Rafel Mayol, or Marco Guerrero who are from Spain and Mexico who both made over $10k profit in less than 48hrs after applying this.

Do you need a ton of money to get started building an online business with Instagram?

The answer is you do need some yes, you can’t start with 0 dollars in your bank, but you can get started with a lot less than you might think...

Do you need to have experience or tech skills to be successful on Instagram?

Absolutely not, I barely know how to use my computer...

And all of the client success stories I have shared with you today did it without a website or a funnel at the start...

Just with us giving you everything you need, you don’t need a single shred of experience or tech skills...
Now on to the 3rd Key to build a successful business with Instagram...

And it is what we have called Blackbox Sales Positioning, or BSP...

This is where we first swipe our competitors traffic and at the same time position ourselves as the authority in the eyes of our potential customers.

What most people don't realize is that Instagram literally just gives you the influencers and communities where your best customers are on.

All you have to do is put yourself in front of those people in the right way, and you will be able to catapult your lead & sales flow almost instantly.

One of the most consistent ways I have grown my businesses is to go out there and grab my competitors traffic and apply my Blackbox Sales Positioning strategy, to get more customers right away.
Now the key here is making sure you FIND these networks and communities where your best customers are on. 

Because if you pick the wrong one, you will end up spending a lot of time and money with people that are not a good fit to work with you.

So here instead of having you go through trial and error, and spend hours and hours on end, what we do with every single one of our clients, is that we just give you everything for your specific niche.

That way you don't have to spend a lot of time and money going through the pain of figuring this out.

Once you have this, everything just grows like wildfire because you are getting the best customers.
Let's imagine you are using your personal brand to sell a makeup product, or a certain type of consulting, or program that helps people get fit.

When you use this Blackbox Sales Positioning, you are going to have your best potential customers trying to convince you to work with them and pay you for your products or services.
I know this sounds crazy but is the same process that professional sports teams and exclusive private clubs use to run tryouts with hundreds of participants, where every single one wants to make the team or club, and they are willing to work really hard to do so and prove to the club that they are worth it.
And this is such a lethal tactic that for example JR right here was able to increase his business by 400% in a single month from $2.5k to $10k/month by simply doing this.

But is not just JR.
This is Jonathan. 

Jonathan is latino just like me, and he was working a 9-5 as an engineer just like I was before when I lived in Dominican Republic.

So he is really special to me. All my clients are special, but you know, he was doing the same thing that I was, and he wasn't making the money at his job that he wanted to make, to be able to provide for his wife and newborn daughter that lifestyle that he knew they deserved.

So he became one of our clients, we implemented our process that I have shown you here on this training, and he started selling high ticket on the side, while working full time in his normal job.

And literally in just 3 days he made $15k profit, and then went on to quit the engineering job he hated.

That is just crazy!
Now he knows exactly how to sell high ticket, does not have to go to the 9-5 he hated, and he can spend more time with his wife and his newborn daughter.

And he started from nothing! He wasn't some crazy expert with 20 years of experience building an online business. He had never sold a high ticket product or service before in his life.

I remember him and his wife being very scared to get started working with me and in less than 3 days working together, his online business completely exploded!

Alright, enough about me and our clients, because I can talk about them all day and go on and on about them, but we would probably be here for days.
So long story short, our clients are having amazing success and are making a ton of cash by building a high ticket online business with their personal brands.

And because we hold their hand, show them how to do it, and in a lot of cases do it for them.

They don't feel overwhelmed, they don't feel alone. 

They don't have to guess, because we literally give them the home run turn key system to do it. 

It really is that simple...
And this brings me to Number four...

Here I'm just giving you a brief warning, because I have seen this in my business, and our clients' businesses.

I have lost tens of thousands of dollars and have invested over $150k in coaches trying to figure this out over the past 4 years on how to sell high ticket on Instagram.

When I see people go and trial and error this, they always lose a good chunk of money up front before they figure this out.

And that is the hardest part. Trying to figure it out alone without someone to help you 1 on 1 along the way.

That is why we have so many success stories.

Because we have done this before hundreds of times and we help our clients 1 on 1.

We have helped clients launch and scale online businesses using Instagram with the right offer and fishing angles, again and again, so we know exactly what we are doing, and it is why for us it is pretty easy to point out exactly what is missing and prevent massive losses while getting you big wins.
Sometimes it can take people months, and months and months to finally find that click, and by that time they have lost 5k, 10k, maybe even $20k, which is a shame because if they just knew exactly how to make the fishing angles with the offer, the DM script and the blackbox sales positioning, there wouldn't be any need for that struggle.
I have seen hundreds of clients come through my program, who didn't have to go through that struggle, and combined we have generated over $51 million dollars,and its always the same people who take the leap of faith that find success. 

The people who are overly worried they never take any action and never get anything done.

Because the truth is, if you change nothing, nothing changes.

And I have shown you so many everyday business owners who were probably scared and worried at the beginning too...
But its simple, we worked together to put the right offer and fishing angle, we created the DM script together, created their own unique Blackbox Sales Positioning together, we created the funnel for them, they avoided all the money wasted and struggles of trying to do it alone, and now they are making a ton sales.

But it is not just them, we have hundreds of our clients of every day business owners like you who are crushing it.
And I get it.

Some people are scared of selling because they think they are bad or are shy or introverts. They think they dont have the personality.

But our system is designed in a dummy proof way so that you can implement our scripts and get high ticket sales without any hassle or fear...
So there are 2 ways to do this…

The hard way is to go and try to figure it all out by yourself, and run the risk to lose money, time and energy.

Or you can follow the same strategy that has been followed by hundreds of our clients like.

Jonathan when he wanted to quit his 9-5 so he could spend more time with his wife and newborn daughter...

Or like Dave when he got laid off from his job as a bartender because of Corona...

Or like Rafel when he wanted to make more profits and have higher quality customers that didn't bother him so much.
And so, how would you like to grow your income by selling high ticket products and services with your personal brand on Instagram?

Because guys right now we are looking for our dream clients and partners.

We are looking for people who are seriously interested in doing this, who are going to actually take action and become our next success story.
So what I want to offer you right now is exactly that.

If you go right beneath this slide, there is going to be a button that is going to take you to a page where you can fill out a short application to learn a bit more about your business, and then schedule a call with me and my team.

We will sit down with you 1 on 1, look at your business, and give you exactly what you need to do to make your online business successful with Instagram with a unique strategy designed specifically for you.

We will show you the exact offer with the fishing angles. Give you the DM script and the Blackbox sales positioning so you can go out there and crush it without wasting a ton of time and money.

That is why I didn't go too deep today in this video, because it can do more harm than good...

Since your business is unique and it wont work with a cookie cutter one size fits all solution.

Which is why we are offering to help you 1 on 1 on this free coaching call.

But we need to make sure that we are the right match for you, and that you are the right match for me and my team.
Now after, you will be able to implement that unique strategy we gave you and have results like For example...

Jose Garcia who owns a credit company, and the most amount of money he had ever made online was $1,200, and the first month he applied the unique tactics for him, he scaled to $10k/m profit!

Dov here added 8-10 new high ticket deals per week for his jewelry business and now he makes over 6-figures with that.

Or Rafel, he was able to add an extra $133k in sales in the first 60 days after doing this.

Or John, he made over $21k profit in just the first 7 days after this, with only 400 followers!

The reason why I am showing you all these is to show you that we have done this in so many niches and with hundreds of clients.

We can find the fit and a strategy for your business, and it is not hard for us.
Now, who is this for?

This is perfect for you if you are tired of all the shiny object syndrome, and seeing one opportunity, and the next, and feeling overwhelmed because you have tried so many things, but you never seem to have any significant success with any of them.

And you just want to focus on the one thing that has been proven to be the number one way to build an online business with your personal brand.

This is for you if you are stuck in your business, and want to increase your revenue.

Maybe you want to travel, and spend more time with your friends, family and loved ones while making more money and growing your online business in the process.
We are looking for our dream clients, and like I said, we want to partner up and collaborate with business owners that are so easy to work with, and that are going to become easy guaranteed success stories.

I don't like pushing a boulder up-hill because that is too hard and too much work. I like pushing it downhill, if that makes sense?
Basically, Clients that we can implement our systems, work together 1 on 1, they have amazing success, and we get to share that success story.

Its a win win for everybody.

It is very important for me that I only work with clients who fit this criteria.

Because this will determine the quality of results for you and me.

I want you to succeed as my client, as much as I want to succeed as your coach.

And thats why we have seen hundreds of clients go through our program, and have amazing success stories, because we only work with a select few who are qualified for it.
This is not for people who are completely broke and that have nothing.

This is not for beginners.

This is only for real business owners.

Because the reality is that being a successful entrepreneur you have to spend money to make money. 

You have to invest time, energy and effort to make money, and you should know that going in.

Most people out there are going to sugar coat that, lie and waste your time.
But think about it like this...

Sometimes more than 1 million dollars to open up a Mcdonalds franchise, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to open up a subway franchise that only yields $80-100k profit a year.

Compare that to what it cost and profit to start an online business with Instagram, and that is nothing.

Just a couple thousand bucks to start and high 6 figures or more per year in profit?

And remember, when I started, I used 0% APR credit cards, and today we have sold millions of dollars.

So when there is a will, there is a way. You just have to be smart.
But if you literally have $0 in your bank account, you can't start an online business with Instagram and you can't start any other business. And that's just the truth.

You have to put in the time like everyone else. You have to save up money to get started or you have to be willing to go all-in on yourself as I did...

And if you're one of those people that makes a ton of excuses and just loves to make up all these reasons why you can't do it, this is wrong for you...

You can make a ton of money or you can make a ton of excuses but you can't make both.
But if you're still here you're obviously not like most people you know you're serious...

And after hearing all of that if you still think that you might be a good fit to work with us then the first step is to fill out a quick form on the next page...

And to get on a completely free exclusive coaching session with me and my team of expert advisors where we can give you a custom tailored approach…

On this coaching session is where you’re going to learn how you could qualify for myself and my team to actually build your offer, fishing angles, sales positioning for you...

And for our team to give you a fully optimized Instagram funnel…

But again, we only have a very limited number of spaces to help you one-on-one so we have to be very selective of who we decide to create an Instagram empire with, because we have a very limited number of partners we can take at any given time since we work with each 1 on 1.
At the end of the call we're gonna know two things:

We're either gonna be a good fit for each other and I'm gonna extend an exclusive invitation to work with me and my team as one of our clients...

Or it's not gonna be a good fit, which is totally fine, and you go back to how things are right now no harm done...

So go ahead and complete that free application right now and we'll see if it's a good fit.
Because right now we are getting sometimes as many as a hundred or more applications a week and space is extremely limited since out of every hundred business owners that apply we generally only work with 5 to 10 of those clients at a time...

And right now those spots are filling up very fast...

This isn't some fake marketing like most people are doing where is just a random course, and they say they only have 1 spot available but it is all a lie.

We literally can only take on a limited number of people because this is a one on one where we are doing the process with you, and sometimes even doing the work for you on your behalf.

So just claim your free coaching session with me and my Client Success Experts, where we will dive into your business, give you a custom strategy for you and your business.
Because I don't know if this is gonna work for you, unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball, this is just a video recorded, and your business is unique.

Maybe you're not the right fit for us, or maybe we're not the right fit for you…

But what I do know is that if you change nothing, nothing is going to magically change...
Albert Einstein has a quote that I've always loved...

He said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
And so final warning guys this is extremely time-sensitive, this is not some fake marketing BS scarcity...

We really honestly do only have a few remaining slots for this month of people entering our program because we work with each person 1 on 1, we are running a lot of traffic & marketing, and is simply impossible to do it with everyone…

This is on a first come, first serve basis and we are only going to work with 5-10 of the hundreds of applicants that have applied over the last week.

So click the button below right now if you're an action taker and if you are ready to change your life and business.

And with that being said...

This has been Josue Pena.

Me and my team can't wait to talk to you, hopefully over the next day or so to see how you can become our next biggest client success story.

APPLY and Schedule Your FREE Instagram™️ Game Plan Call


Real proof our strategies work & we can help you scale your coaching, consulting or personal brand to 6-7 figures!

Individual experiences are not typical. Their background, education, and experiences are different. This information is shared as an example and not as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.

Shopify Consulting Business - $118,212 in 60 days

E-Commerce Consulting Agency - $21,000 in 7 days

Amazon Coaching Business - $19,000 in 30 days

Service Provider & Business Coach - $63,000 in 50 days

High ticket Affiliate Marketing - $5,400 in first call

Hancel, Relationship & Dating Coaching Business - $11,000 in 24hrs

Service Provider & Business Coach - $1,500 in one day

High Ticket Coach - $1.2M In Sales

Instagram Agency - 
10 Clients $3K A Pop

SMMA - $80,000 in profit

Funnel Agency - $2,000 from 8 clients

Instagram Agency - $13,000 every month

High ticket eCommerce Jewelry Sales - $14,000 in high ticket

High ticket e-commerce Jewelry Sales - $1,800 in sales from Instagram

Instagram Agency - $3,700 from one client

Instagram Agency - $45,000 in one Live Event

High ticket eCommerce Jewelry Sales - $1,300 in one month

High ticket e-commerce Jewelry Sales - $750 in one day

Funnel Agency - $12,000 in one month

Service Provider & Business Coach - $4,500 in high ticket

Business & Agency - $21,000 in 20 days

Instagram Agency - $10,000 with 3,000 followers

SMMA for Local Business - $5,000 a month

High Ticket Coaching - $15,000 In Sales

Instagram Agency - 4 new clients

High Ticket Coaching - First Client!

Agency - $40,000 In Sales

Individual experiences are not typical. Their background, education, and experiences are different. This information is shared as an example and not as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.

*Individual experiences are not typical. Their background, education, and experiences are different. This information is shared as an example and not as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Online CEOs LLC and this training and opportunity is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Instagram.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Online CEO Accelerator and their advertisers/sponsors/members/owners are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Online CEO Accelerator, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Online CEO Accelerator Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

The Online CEO Accelerator Programs, and Online CEO Accelerator individually, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Online CEO Accelerator Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

Do you have questions about any of the Online CEO Accelerator Programs? Are you wondering if the programs will work for you? Shoot us an email We will be happy to discuss your goals and how the Online CEO Accelerator partnership program may help you.

Business Address:  3632 red road miramar 33025 FL

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